Do you want to know the history of the Trasimeno fishermen?

The Fishing Museum is situated in San Feliciano, an attractive village of fishermen in which is still present and active a historian dock.

The Fishing Museum tells the fishing history and the life of the Lake Trasimeno’s fishermen. The exhibition area is separated in four zones, called as the different moments of the day that a fisherman lives: dawn, midday, afternoon and evening.

For centuries fishing has been being the principal activity of the inhabitants of the zone. It is always been an important part of the life and culture and of the economy of the Trasimeno.
In the four zones of the biggest room you can see the equipments and the different fishing techniques, used during the past and still today. You will surely find many interesting and amazing objects.

There are also 5 aquariums in which you can see some typical fishes of the lake. The museum also possesses a vast collection of photos.
For the organization of meetings, events and for didactic use the museum possesses a multimedia classroom.
In the exhibition rooms are periodically entertained the shows connected to the matters of the museum. Near the entrance of the museum there is also a small bookshop.

After having visited the Museum of the Fishing you can enjoy a beautiful walk on the shore of the Lake Trasimeno and enjoy a very good ice-cream in one of the nice ice-cream parlours of San Feliciano!

Good visit and good walk!